Rewards From Him

Psalm 127: 3
Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.

Psalms 139: 13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Noah One Month

What a month it's been!  I can't believe one month has gone by!  The time has flown, and we are so busy as a family, that each day runs right into the next.  I loved having twins, but I also love having just one baby.  It has been really nice to be able to focus on him, and not feel overwhelmed all the time.  It is just so different.  Noah definitely has his own personality, and we are starting to see more and more of that come out.  He really is a content baby, which is great, because I worried about having a colicky baby, and being overwhelmed.  This time around, I am also getting sleep, which makes a world of difference!  It's easy to not feel crazy when you aren't so sleep deprived!  Noah is making me think that the addition of one more baby might be doable!  ;)

Noah at One Month:

  • You love to eat!  You eat anywhere from one hour to three hour increments, but you would love to eat every hour if I let you!
  • You sleep anywhere from 4-5 hours at the start of the night.  I am hoping this gets longer!  Every so often you have a crazy night where you are up every hour.  I know I'm fun to be around and all, but...
  • You will lay in your crib without freaking out and screaming.  Jack never did this!  You will even put yourself to sleep sometimes!

  • Your nicknames are:  Noah Boa, Noah Bean(s), Bean, Beans, Beanie, Fussy Pants Magee, Jack...oh wait, that only happens sometimes!
  •  You have to be held exactly how you want, or you fuss.  We go through quite the gyrations trying to get things perfect for you.
  • You love the Moby Wrap, and I think I saw you give a little smile one day while I was putting it on.
  •  Your unofficial weight on our scale at home is 11.1 lbs.  Seriously?  You are growing like a weed!
  • You are wearing 0-3 months clothes with some 3-6 months thrown in.  Forget newborn!  You grew out of those sometime last week.
  •  You make that silly face(above) just like Jack and Sophie.  I guess it's a family thing, because other moms have told me their kids don't do that.
  • You are starting to smile, and it is so sweet!  They are just random most of the time, but you are trying to engage us.
  •  The above picture is the wall above Noah's crib.  I have been wanting to use the cards in a room for awhile, and they fit right in in a boy's nursery.
  •  You love Jack and Sophie.  Especially Sophie who spends lots of time talking to you and playing with you.  I left her upstairs with you the other day, and turned the monitor on, and she was mimicking Matt and I.  It was so sweet!
  •  You are such a happy little guy, and rarely fuss.  The only times you fuss are if you get bored laying somewhere, aren't being held right, or if we put you in your bouncer chair or car seat.  You hate the bouncer chair and swing!
  • When you are hungry, you make little sucking motions with your mouth.  Then you let out little coughs, as if to say, "ahem, feed me."  If I miss both of those signals, you scream a high pitched, shrill scream that's impossible to miss!

You have stolen our hearts little guy!  I cant imagine life without you!  I'm not rushing you, but I am excited to see just how your personality fits in with our family.  We are enjoying every moment of this stage you are in, and it's still going crazy fast!  I mean, weren't you just born yesterday?  Look at your little face!  You don't look very newborn anymore.
I love you Noah Beans!

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