Dear Sophie,
It's so hard raising a girl. I want so much for you, and it seems of utmost importance that I pass it all along to you. I used to think I had to help you become a certain person, or help you act a certain way. It hit me quite suddenly, that God made you exactly who you should be. He made you strong, sweet, and sassy, all rolled into one. He made you such a beautiful person, inside and out. And that's it. That's what I really want you to remember. I want you to know that you ARE beautiful. And it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, that's the truth. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you want to do. I don't have to try to stop you from making the same mistakes as me, because you aren't me. But it is funny how many things are similar between us two. Maybe that's why we butt heads sometimes. Every so often, you question me, and make me realize your viewpoint is right. In the end, you will always have Jesus to guide your way. Daddy and I can tell you what we think is important, but if you always make sure to follow Him, you will never get lost.
At four, you are quite the opinionated little lady. You know exactly how your day should go. What you should wear, eat, do, you have opinions about it. Jack used to be "in charge," but lately you are the one bossing him around! As much as you fight with him, you love him. He is your playmate and best friend. You don't really like to be in a separate room from him, even when you are fighting. Your favorite toys are your art supplies. Crayons, markers, paint, coloring books, plain paper...I have trouble keeping the house stocked. You make creations everyday, and most days Daddy and I are surprised at what you make. You've drawn spiders, pumpkins, flowers, people, and a million other little things. Your teachers were surprised at how well you stay in the lines when you color. Other people are impressed that you draw things with the right color crayons. You want to hang everything on the fridge, so that everyone can see it! When I tell you that I have a "craft" for you, you get so excited!(Now here's one of those things we are so similar about! ;) ). You love to learn new things, like writing skills. You don't let me do anything for you, but instead have to do it on your own. You are still shy around new people, but love to play with friends you know. You like playing with girls better than boys, but will play with a boy if he is friends with Jack. I don't ever have to worry about you getting into trouble when we are at a playdate or school. Your teachers let me know that you are quite well behaved at school. You wait until you get home to challenge all the rules! You can be quite dramatic when you want to be. In fact, you cried for about thirty minutes last week(all the while Daddy and I talked about how we would have been spanked by this point!) about a princess wand that you wanted. After you were done with your huge fit, you looked at Daddy with your best "doe eyes" and asked him if you could have the wand. I had to leave the table I was laughing so hard! Some days, raising a girl can be the most challenging thing I have ever done. But then I look at you, really look at you, and my heart floods with love, and I know that with Jesus by our sides, everything will turn out alright. I have been so blessed by you! I always wanted a little girl, and I am thankful everyday that you are the one I was given. <3
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