Rewards From Him

Psalm 127: 3
Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.

Psalms 139: 13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Five Month Update

Five months! I can't believe it. This past month has gone so fast. Lots of changes are happening around here, and I am sure more are to come this month. Can we really only be one month away from the six month mark?
Sophie's new trick is to blow bubbles. The funny part is that she does this whenever she is mad at Matt or I. She lets us know we have done something she doesn't approve of. Here are few pics of her doing this.

Jack is starting to sit in the boppy. It is for short periods of time, but it is a start! Hopefully they will be sitting up soon, as they are very tired of laying down all day long. Here are some pictures of Jack sitting, and staring down a duck.

We also think both babies eyes are going to stay blue. Jack's are dark blue, and Sophie's are lighter with a yellow ring around the center. Hair color is still a mystery. Sophie is bald. Jack's looks blond some days and red on other days. We shall see in a few months.
I've been saying for awhile that I can't wait to see them do something new. I think we are on the cusp of some huge developments!

What a LONG Day!

Yesterday we took the twins to Hershey for Sophie's testing. She had to get a VCGU test done, as well as an ultrasound. The VCGU is a test that uses dye to tell where the urine in her body travels. She was quite the little trooper. She didn't cry much at all, and in fact I think she was most annoyed at the fact the one nurse was holding her legs tight at the same time I was holding her arms. Sophie hates feeling restricted. Jack was also a good boy for Daddy as he slept in the waiting room during the tests. The tests were done at 10:30 and 11:00, and then we had to wait until 2:30 to speak to a doctor. Ugh! Two five month olds, a double stroller, and a croweded waiting room. You get the picture! It was very tiring.
I will try to be short and use plain language about what we found out. Sophie has what is known as a "double collecting system." She has two ureters(tubes) on each side that go from her kidneys to her bladder. On the right side urine is refluxing back into the kidney. This would be really bad if she got a bladder infection, as it would spread to the kidney. Therefore, we need to keep her on daily antibiotics, and be on the lookout for fevers. The doctor said they might not do anything for now, or we might have to a non-invasive surgery done soon. She was going to talk to the surgeon and then give us a call. We could definitley use prayers right now. This is the type of situation that makes me want to run to my mommy...except I am the mommy. Also, we are so thankful that the kidneys are not damaged as of yet(although the doctor told us you cold sustain life on 10% of one kidney). We are also thankful that this is not a medical anomaly. While Sophie's case is unique to her, the doctors have dealt with type of thing before, so therefore can make educated decisions about what to do.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Anderson Twins meet the Yorks

Last Friday and Saturday the Yorks came to visit us and meet Jack and Sophie for the first time. Jack was his usual social-butterfly self, and loved all the attention. He was laughing and playing with everyone. Sophie, who is a little more shy, took a little bit to get warmed up. Of course, she LOVED Peter! She smiled away at him. It was lots of fun, and we are looking forward to Jack and Sophie meeting more of our relatives this summer.

Happy Belated Birthday Delaney!

Birthday wishes to our cousin Delaney! I cannot believe it has been a year since she was born! Hope your day was good!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hanging out in Bed

They look so happy and well rested...wish I could say the same for me.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Birth Announcement - Finally...

I finally got around to making the birth announcement (only 4 months late). The image is compressed here so it is a bit fuzzy. The official ones will be clearer. This is my Valentine present for Amy...better than chocolate.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Just a little news...and a prayer request

Yesterday we had an ultrasound for Sophie's left kidney. We have known since about 28 weeks (in utero) that Sophie had a possible problem with her kidney. The doctors were unable to tell what was wrong in utero. They only knew that there was extra water in her kidney/ureter(the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. We found out yesterday, that the ureter does not connect to the bladder in the right spot causing a back up of fluid. We caught it at a good time because there has been no kidney damage thus far. What has happened though, is that the normal ureter turned into a "megaureter." The fluid is backed up, and the ureter keeps getting bigger. Our family doctor thinks the problem will have to be fixed, although no one has really explained how yet. Meanwhile, we will need to meet with a pediatric urologist at Hershey Medical for more tests and ultrasounds. Sophie is also on a daily antibiotic to make sure that she does not get any bladder infections.
Poor Sophie! She has had so much done to her in her short little life, but she is so brave and good. She didn't cry at all during her ultrasound(it doesn't hurt).
Matt and I are just praying that the doctors see what they need to see, and are able to fix it. We are also thanking God that her kindey has not been damaged. We know he is in control, and will take care of our little girl.

Monday, February 4, 2008

4 Month Well-Visit

The twins had their Four Month Well Baby Visit today. Everything looked great! Both babies are growing according to their own growth curve. They have both doubled their birth wieghts at this point, but yes, Sophie is still the size of a big newborn baby. The Dr. couldn't get over how happy Sophie was during the entire appointment. She was all smiles...until it was time for shots. Neither baby, as well as mommy, liked the shots. The Dr. reccommended that we start solids soon, and we are not in a rush, but the Anderson house is about to get a lot messier!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Four Month Pictures

I was going to save these for after the twin's four month appointment, but I loved how they turned out, and was excited to share them! Both babies were very cooperative!