Rewards From Him

Psalm 127: 3
Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.

Psalms 139: 13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Personal Looney Bin

Things have been crazy around here.  We just had a baby, so that's to be expected right?  Somehow our little family manages to take crazy to next level.  Here is an example of one night last week, where all the crazy came together in perfect synchronicity to make one big wacko night!
I got Noah to bed, which usually happens around nine o'clock.  It seemed like a normal night as I drifted quickly to sleep.  Little did I know what my three angels had in store for me!

1:00 am-Noah gets up for his first feeding.  For some unknown reason he doesn't want to go back to sleep.  It takes me until 1:45 to get him to sleep
1:45 am-Drift off to sleep again.
2:45 am-I wake up to a someone staring at me.
     Sophie-"I need a drink."
     Me-"Take a drink of my water and go back to bed.  Shut the doors quietly please."
     I get out of bed to shut the door she left open.
     Sophie is perched on her toes on Matt's side of the bed, staring down at me(he was in the bathroom).
     Me-"Sophie go to bed."
     Sophie-"But, Mommy..."
     Me-Sigh.."What Sophie?"
     Me-"Sophie go to bed."
     Sophie-"But Mommy!  The toilet won't shut flush!"
     Me-"Sophie, Mommy is very tired and I need sleep, please go back to bed, I don't care about the toilet. and shut the doors quietly on the way out."
     I get out of bed to shut the door she left open.
4:00 am-Noah wakes up to be fed.  He goes back to sleep really easily.
4:30 am-Someone is staring at me again.
     Me-"What do you need Jack?"
     Jack-"I had a bad dream."
     Me-"Give me a kiss and go to back to bed."  (What I really want to say? "You did not have a bad dream,
             you aren't even a little bit scared right now!  STOP WAKING ME UP!")  "Shut the door quietly on
             your way out."
     I get out of the bed to shut the door he left open...what in the world is wrong with these kids that they
     can't shut a door????
5:30 am-Noah gets up for his last feeding of the night.
6:30 am-Noah wakes up for good.  I ask Matt as he is getting ready for work if that was the craziest night
      ever.  He asks me what I am talking about.  And that my friends is the most amazing part of it all.  He
      slept through ALL of it!  How is that even possible?

And here is a little visual of silliness, because I don't like to post without pictures.


The Three Amigos

Right before I took Noah's two month pictures I happened upon the mustaches that I had bought at the party store.  I immediately bribed asked the kids if they wanted to try them out.  They were really sticky on the back, so I just put them right on their faces.  Jack gave me the most trouble because he said it tickled his nose.  I only had to bribe ask him again, and he agreed.  The following shots crack me up every single time I look at them.  I love my goofy children, and that they let me take crazy pictures like this!

I showed them how to make "outlaw" faces, and this is what I got.

This one is my favorite!

Sophie loosing it because it was so goofy!

Baby with a mustache!  (cracking up over here!)

He was trying to eat it off!

The best part is, I have three more mustaches to try again someday!  :)

Noah @ Two Months

Another month has come and gone!  Wow!  It went fast and slow at the same time!  We are all loving having Noah here with us!  He is such a happy, content little guy.  He loves to smile at all of us.  Just last week I also caught a couple giggles.  It was three to be exact.  Noah does this this thing where he starts to laugh and stops, he is just waiting for something funny so that he can have a big old belly laugh.  The sleeping front is wonderful!  He is starting to sleep anywhere from 4-6 hours at the start of the night.  I can count on one hand the number of nights I would consider "bad" nights.  That makes for one happy momma!  I am loving the extra sleep, but late at night when I creep into his nursery to nurse him, I get to cuddle and be alone with him.  I secretly love it.  So I am 100% OK with getting up at night!  Love, love, love this boy!  Excited for what's to come!

 Noah is pretty content most of the time, but if we do something he doesn't like, he lets out a shrill, high pitched scream.  It gets our attention every time!

Noah loves to converse.  He will wait until you talk to him, and then make lots of cooing noises at you.  He loves those little conversations.  For some reason, I always said "HI Noah" beginning the day he was born.  Now he makes this little noise that sounds just like "Hi" to get our attentions.  He's a genius right?  ;)  I took him to a meeting with me last week, and I laid him on the floor so that he could move around.  I was talking to the other moms there, and not looking at him.  He began yelling loudly to get my attention, and didn't stop until I looked at him.  I am wondering if all of this "talking" will mean he will talk sooner than the twins did.  

 He can roll over from front to back on occasion.  He can't do it every single time, but sometimes he figures it out, and around he goes.

He still loves the Moby wrap, and hates swings, high chairs, bouncer chairs, etc.  We have tried him in the excersaucer for a few minutes with blankets tucked around, and he enjoyed looking at the toys.  He likes to just lay on his back and check everything out!  He also loves to be held.  At least I know my arm muscles are getting a workout!

His eyes are turning blue, which, if they stay that color, will mean three blue-eyed kids.  Can't believe not one of them has green/hazel eyes!  We aren't really sure about hair color.  Sometimes it looks like Jack's blond color, and sometimes it looks like Sophie's color.  It gets brushed up in the back, and looks like it might be curly like Sophie's.  Can't wait to see how that changes!

When I put him on his belly for tummy time, he pushes himself forward and kicks his feet as if trying to crawl.  I can't put him in the Boppy, because he launches himself off of it onto the floor.  So silly!

Love this little boy!  I couldn't have asked for a better addition to our family.  God gets it right every time!  He sent us little Noah, and we couldn't be happier or love him more!