Rewards From Him

Psalm 127: 3
Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.

Psalms 139: 13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Up, Up, Up, and Away!

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
~e.e. cummings

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Anderson Family Reunion

Last weekend was the annual Anderson Family Reunion Camping Trip(say that three times fast). As usual, we had a blast! This year we stayed on Wellesley Island in the Thousand Islands in New York. It was beautiful all weekend except for the occasional rain storm. It also rained on Sunday night, and we woke up swimming in our tent, but the kids didn't mind. We arrived on Saturday, and set up our tent and beds. Jack and Sophie loved our outdoor home. We spent the next few hours cooking dinner while trying to dodge raindrops. Sunday morning we went to the lake beach. The water didn't open until eleven, so we played in the sand until then. Sophie was brave, and walked up to her armpits in the water. There were also little tiny fishies at the shoreline that the kids like to watch. Jack spent his time making a big sand castle, and puddle.

Back at the campsite the little kids all played in the rocks and dirt. They would put the dirt in the coffee cans and buckets, and then dump them into the holes in the board thingy(yes, that is the technical name I believe). I loved watching them all play together! Peter and Rachel also took the all four kids to the nearby playground.

On Sunday night, we let Jack and Sophie stay up past bedtime for the campfire. They enjoyed watching the flames, sitting with family, and playing with the glow sticks that Peter brought.

Monday morning, we went to the nature center to play, look at animals, animal skins, and play with puzzles. It was a good thing we went there, because we missed the rain while inside!

A family picture with all of the Andersons. We are missing the Yorks, as they were out in their boat!

On the way to the butterfly house. Jack and Sophie love their Daddy!

Sophie watching a butterfly sun himself in the butterfly house.

Just like every year, we had a blast! Jack and Sophie love being outside in the dirt and mud for days on end. They also love seeing all of their relatives, and running around like nuts. Can't wait for next year!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

On the Boat

You may remember from this post, that our trip on the York's boat last year was met with mixed reviews. Captain Donald and his first mate Peter took us out on the boat on Sunday night as the sun was setting. It could not have been a more beautiful night to revel in God's glory. The channel was the most beautiful color of emerald green I have ever seen! And this year, the kids loved the boat. The only time they got scared was when the boat went fast. Sophie was very brave, and wanted to stand in the boat, and feel the spray on her face. Jack was a little more hesitant, but did enjoy himself. It was so much fun watching them on the boat, and Matt and I had just as much fun as they did!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy 4th!

The weekend of the 4th was as busy as any other weekend. We spent Saturday at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and played in the pool, played at the park, and ate lots of good food. Then Sunday we went to Grammie and Grandpa's house for more good food, pool play, and a nice walk. These pictures have become a tradition, and my family knows better than to mess with me when I say it's picture time. Ask Matt, I'm pretty sure he thought I was going to sprout two more heads and grow to fifty feet tall if he didn't agree to this! HA! No, I kid, but really, don't mess with my picture taking plans! :)

And Grammie and Grandpa got in on the action this year too!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Toy Story 3

Last weekend we went to see "Toy Story 3" in the movie theater. It was the kids first movie! They love "Toy Story 2," So we thought this would be a good match. They loved seeing Buzz and Woody onscreen, but there were a few parts that Jack thought were kind of scary. The twins weren't heavy enough to keep the theater seats down, so they sat with Matt and I. The cuddling was nice, and the kids liked it too! Lots of popcorn and fun!

Father's Day Camping Trip

This year for Father's Day, we joined Aunt Kim's family on their annual Father's Day camping trip. Matt went the year I was pregnant, but I wasn't up for hiking, or sleeping on the ground that year, so I missed out. We just went for one night, but the kids loved it. What's not to love about dirt, rocks, hiking, waterfalls, camp food, and sleeping in Grandma and Grandpa's trailer? We got there early on Saturday, and played for a little. After nap, we all went to Rickets Glen, for a hike by the waterfalls. The kids were troopers, and loved walking in the waterfalls. Jack loved, loved, loved Kim's sister Erin, and stayed by her side the whole walk. Sophie was happy to have Grandma and Grandpa carry her around. After the hike, we had dinner, s'mores, and then bedtime. Unfortunately there wasn't much sleeping going on. But after they got to bed, the adults played boccie ball with flashing balls(talk about a headache), and taboo. When we got up in the morning, we had a breakfast at the camp, and packed up to go home. It was a fun trip, and the kids are excited for more camping! When we got home, both kids fell asleep on Daddy, and we had a Chinese food dinner with Grammie and Grandpa. I'm pretty sure Matt had the best time of all of us.