On Christmas Eve, we decorated gingerbread houses, and a train. Shhh....I had bought the houses on clearance for a dollar last year, so they couldn't be eaten! HA! That was alright with Jack and Sophie though, because after all of the icing and candy, I think they couldn't eat anything else! The kids and I had gone to the bulk section at Wegman's and picked out a ton of candy. Matt and I bulit the houses, and then let the kids go to town. The really loved having artistic control.
Here, Jack lined up all of those non parels across the top of his house. Then he added them to the roof.

These pink strawberries were Sophie's pick at the store. After she put them on, she pulled a lot of them off and ate them. After we told her no more candy, she would watch us to make sure we weren't looking, and then sneak more in. She is a sneaky little girl! :)
So much fun. Our kids don't like gingerbread so we made our houses out of sugar cookie dough! Though I think they also ate more of the candy and icing than anything else!
Ooo! Sugar cookie houses? That sounds totally yummy! That might not work in our house because our kids would wake up to find their houses devoured! ;)
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