I wanted to document this Christmas on the blog, but then I got to thinking about it. I could upload hundreds of pictures, because I always have my camera close by, especially on Christmas. I could talk about how spoiled the four of were with gifts. I could talk about how loved we are, and how much we love our family and friends who celebrated with us this year. I could talk about how thankful and blessed that we are to have a warm house, let alone a pretty tree filled with ornaments. I could talk about how thankful I am for the twins and that I get to be a mommy, and celebrate this wonderful time of year with them. I could talk about how darn excited I was to give the twins their gifts. I could talk about how thankful we are that we all have our health(OK, barring that horrible sickness that plagued all of us this Christmas! ;)) But really, all that matters, and what I truly want the twins to take from this season is the real gift. The gift we all received in that little manger, in the stable, in the town of Bethlehem. And that gift is Jesus. God loved us so much that he gave us his son. Jesus. And that is the REAL reason for the season.
Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born to you:
he is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
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