Rewards From Him

Psalm 127: 3
Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.

Psalms 139: 13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Recent Videos

Blogger changed the videos around for me, so I didn't have to do any work! YAY! So here are a couple of recent videos from my phone. The quality isn't great, but I think the cute kids make up for it! ;) Also, ignore my loud annoying voice in the background...I am like two inches from the camera, so it makes me sound like I am shouting. As if I didn't have a loud voice already...

Here is Sophie acting like a penguin. I think she was walking funny because her feet hurt in her sparkly shoes, so Matt told her she looked like a penguin. That is what she is explaining to me in her videos.

Jack counting from 1-10. This is big for him, because he doesn't like to sit still and do things like count for me. So I work it, and count things all the time, to "trick" him into learning it. Aren't I sneaky! ;)

Sophie singing her ABC's. For a long time, Jack and Sophie would scream at me when I sang the ABC Song. So I promised them a lollipop if they could sing it all the way through. Sophie started singing, "A, B, C, X, Y, Z" and calling it a day. She surprised me by singing it all the way through the other day. Of course, she does it her own way, and some of the letters are wrong, but at least she sang it!

When the kids eat goldfish, I play a game with them, where I sing this song that goes, "And they swam, and they swam all over the damn." I'm not sure of the whole song, although I have seen it on YouTube, but it is a fragment of my preschool days. Here are the kids doing it Matt, and they just love when he is silly!

Now that I know how easy it is to download videos, I can do it more often. I'm not even sure anyone is "out there" though, so I'll just keep doing it for my amusement! ;)

Iphone Photos

I was trying to upload some recent videos of the kids, but they are all oriented wrong, and I'm not sure that everyone wants to strain their neck by turning their heads to the side! ;) Instead I am posting some photos from my phone. These are all quick shots on the go, when I think to pull my iPhone out!

Sophie at Panera with a cinnamon roll the size of her head! She loves sweet things!

Jack looking goofy in his soccer outfit. He is always making silly faces!
Jack's new haircut. He sat in the chair all by himself this time! This one was taking just a few days after the last one. Doesn't his haircut make him look older?

A little snowman craft we did last week. Sophie named hers, "Sophie," and Jack named his "Jack," but later changed it to "Lightning."

Painting a mug for Daddy at Color-me-Mine before Christmas.

This was from the summer, but is one of my favorite pictures of Sophie. She actually smiled for the camera, which never happens!

Sophie cuddling up on our ottoman. There is just enough room for her!
Jack's blue lollipop face. This one is also from the summer.
Just a few random everyday shots! I'm going to work on figuring out how to turn the videos around...and I'm going to make sure I don't hold the phone that way anymore! HA!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to Make the Donuts!

Last week we went to a friend's house for a donut decorating party. It was lots of sugary fun! The kids started out with plain donuts, and then they put pink and chocolate frosting, and rainbow and chocolate sprinkles on them. They even had cute little Dunkin Donuts hats! It was so nice we were at Jen and Andrew's house, and that I didn't have to clean up after that sugar fueled mess! HA!

I love that Sophie loves the icing more than the actual donut/cake/cupcake. Usually she eats the icing off, and leaves the "bread" part. Just like me! :) Later, when I was enjoying a pink donut, she came upstairs and ate all the sprinkles and frosting off. She's lucky I love her so much, because Matt can attest to the fact that I don't like to share food!

PA Farm Show

Last Thursday we went to the Farm Show, and met a friend. We did a ton of walking, and got to see tons of neat things. Cows, sheep, pigs, ducks, chickens, a clown(which I tried to pretend wasn't there), a big butter sculpture, and an indoor play area. We had a hot dog, chicken nuggets, fries and a yummy milkshake for lunch. I'm not much of a farm show girl, but the kids did have fun!
Here is Sophie in the "bird" room. If you have never smelled chickens and ducks, well then consider yourself lucky! They stink! This is what Sophie thought of the smell. Look at her little face! She was SO mad at me for subjecting her to this! HA! Oh, and look at her feet! She insisted on wearing her princess sparkly shoes! Silly girl! They were terrible for walking in all day!

Jack looking at the pigeons while Sophie continues to plug her nose!
Pigs! Right next to this calm pig was a mother feeding her piglets. It was totally crazy! They were squealing at each other, and pushing each other out of the way. I wish that the twins could have gotten a better look!
And this is what happens when you walk a mile or two, and miss your nap. Sophie told me she was going to go upstairs, and about fifteen minutes later I ran up to check on her. She was out! I'm not really sure what all of the wipes were for! HA!

Snow Day

On the 7th, we got the littlest bit of snow, but we took advantage of it, and bundled up to go outside. I found real snow suits at the consignment shop, so bundling them up is SO much easier this year. Also, I double glove them, so Sophie lasts just a little bit longer. She is just like me, and the minute something gets cold she melts down and wants to go in! Here she is pausing for one moment(not happily!) so I could snap a picture.
Jack eats snow off of his gloves the entire time he is outside, and then complains his mouth is cold. Silly guy! Matt said that when he took them out later that week, Jack actually eating mulch! Ridiculous!
Jack on the Kangaroo Climber. The second picture is from last year. He has gotten so big lately!

Rosy little cheeks!

This one might be my favorite. I still can't believe I had kids with such gorgeous blue eyes!
Little girl. She's hard to photograph because of the glare off of her glasses.
Getting warm and enjoying some hot cocoa. Jack refuses to drink warm milk, so he gets chocolate milk instead. Both kids like to have some marshmallows for in their cups, and some to eat.

Buffalo Bound

After Christmas this year, we made our annual trip to Buffalo. We love visiting with family, and the twins were so excited to stay at Aunt Jean's house! They spent the majority of both days outside in the snow. It was the first time they had been able to go out in the snow, and they loved it!
The first day we were there, we celebrated Great Grandma's birthday. The big 8-0! Here is Great Grandma reading to the twins. They love to be read to, and Aunt Jean has a big stash of Christmas books the twins have never heard before.
This was really sweet! After we sang to Great Grandma, and were eating cheesecake, Jack walked over to Great Grandma, and told her, "Happy Birthday!" He can be such a little sweetie when he wants to!
No idea why Sophie was sitting on the counter eating a cookie, but I thought it was cute that she was sitting like this. Matt used to call me a monkey because I had a habit of sitting really strangely at tables when we first met!
If you had any doubt that my son was a nut, well now you know! Here he is playing with one of the gag gifts.

We brought some of the twins toys with us, but boxes and balloons were by far their favorite toys! Here they are playing in the box that Great Uncle Tom's dishwasher came in. (Sorry this picture is so blown out!)
On Thursday, Matt turned 29! Happy Birthday Matt! We celebrated at Aunt Shirley's house with the Keller Clan. The kids got to meet Mona and Nigel this year, and they had so much fun! The three older kids sat at the dinner table together, and chatted away!
Happy Birthday! It's so nice to be a kid, and get to help everyone blow out their candles! Matt got treated to wings, cake and peanut butter swirl ice cream. Yum!
Our little trip went so fast this year, and we loved every minute of it! Can't wait until the whole Anderson Family gets together again this summer!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas 2010

I wanted to document this Christmas on the blog, but then I got to thinking about it. I could upload hundreds of pictures, because I always have my camera close by, especially on Christmas. I could talk about how spoiled the four of were with gifts. I could talk about how loved we are, and how much we love our family and friends who celebrated with us this year. I could talk about how thankful and blessed that we are to have a warm house, let alone a pretty tree filled with ornaments. I could talk about how thankful I am for the twins and that I get to be a mommy, and celebrate this wonderful time of year with them. I could talk about how darn excited I was to give the twins their gifts. I could talk about how thankful we are that we all have our health(OK, barring that horrible sickness that plagued all of us this Christmas! ;)) But really, all that matters, and what I truly want the twins to take from this season is the real gift. The gift we all received in that little manger, in the stable, in the town of Bethlehem. And that gift is Jesus. God loved us so much that he gave us his son. Jesus. And that is the REAL reason for the season.

Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born to you:
he is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

On Christmas Eve, we decorated gingerbread houses, and a train. Shhh....I had bought the houses on clearance for a dollar last year, so they couldn't be eaten! HA! That was alright with Jack and Sophie though, because after all of the icing and candy, I think they couldn't eat anything else! The kids and I had gone to the bulk section at Wegman's and picked out a ton of candy. Matt and I bulit the houses, and then let the kids go to town. The really loved having artistic control.
Here, Jack lined up all of those non parels across the top of his house. Then he added them to the roof.

These pink strawberries were Sophie's pick at the store. After she put them on, she pulled a lot of them off and ate them. After we told her no more candy, she would watch us to make sure we weren't looking, and then sneak more in. She is a sneaky little girl! :)

Matt helping Jack.
Matt giving Jack a treat.

Sophie and I. This is just for the picture. She didn't really let me help!

Matt building the train. This was pretty intense work!

This is my favorite picture of the day. The way they are looking at Matt is just hysterical! He must have had too much sugar also! ;)


Candy Cane Lane

Thursday the twenty-third, just two days before Christmas, we went to Hershey's Candy Cane Lane. I was hoping it would help us get in the spirit of Christmas, and I think it worked! We had so much fun. We stopped at Panera in Hershey for dinner, and tried to warm up a little. It was icy that day! Then we got back into our car, and turned the heat on full blast. We were right on time, and arrived shortly after the sun set. We were surprised at how many displays there were, and we liked trying to have the kids guess what they were. Sophie loved the fairies, and Jack really liked the reindeer! We bought the kids giant chocolate chip cookies, and they devoured all of them(well, except for the crumbs they left all over the car)! It was quite the enjoyable experience, and one I hope we repeat in the future!
When we paid to get into the lights, we were given two sets of glasses. At first we weren't really sure what they did, but we quickly discovered that they make points of light look like snowflakes. Awesome! Matt and I especially loved them!
It was hard to get a good shot of the lights, but that didn't stop me from rolling down the window and haging my upper body out of the car. What did stop me was Matt dying of embarrassment! ;)

Sophie enjoying half her cookie and some juice. That girl loves her sweets! ;)

Merry Christmas!

Like I said, Matt and I loved these glasses! I'm pretty sure it made driving pretty challenging for Matt!(He only wore them for a minute to let me snap this picture!)