Blogger changed the videos around for me, so I didn't have to do any work! YAY! So here are a couple of recent videos from my phone. The quality isn't great, but I think the cute kids make up for it! ;) Also, ignore my loud annoying voice in the background...I am like two inches from the camera, so it makes me sound like I am shouting. As if I didn't have a loud voice already...
Here is Sophie acting like a penguin. I think she was walking funny because her feet hurt in her sparkly shoes, so Matt told her she looked like a penguin. That is what she is explaining to me in her videos.
Here is Sophie acting like a penguin. I think she was walking funny because her feet hurt in her sparkly shoes, so Matt told her she looked like a penguin. That is what she is explaining to me in her videos.
Jack counting from 1-10. This is big for him, because he doesn't like to sit still and do things like count for me. So I work it, and count things all the time, to "trick" him into learning it. Aren't I sneaky! ;)
Sophie singing her ABC's. For a long time, Jack and Sophie would scream at me when I sang the ABC Song. So I promised them a lollipop if they could sing it all the way through. Sophie started singing, "A, B, C, X, Y, Z" and calling it a day. She surprised me by singing it all the way through the other day. Of course, she does it her own way, and some of the letters are wrong, but at least she sang it!
When the kids eat goldfish, I play a game with them, where I sing this song that goes, "And they swam, and they swam all over the damn." I'm not sure of the whole song, although I have seen it on YouTube, but it is a fragment of my preschool days. Here are the kids doing it Matt, and they just love when he is silly!
Now that I know how easy it is to download videos, I can do it more often. I'm not even sure anyone is "out there" though, so I'll just keep doing it for my amusement! ;)