A few weeks ago, Matt went to a train show, and picked up an electric train. We have been talking about getting one for around the Christmas Tree for a long time. My family put up our train every year, so it is a tradition I am excited to pass on to my own kids. Matt purchased enough track to make a small oval, the engine and accessories pack, a coal car that dumps coal, a bridge, and a covered bridge. Later in the week he purchased more track pieces to make the track wider, in order to fit the tree in the middle. The kids were beyond excited that we were going to have a train that, "goes all by itself." They attacked Matt when he walked in the door with the goodies. After Matt set it up, they watched the cars go around the track, and eagerly waited for their turn to try. After a little bit of practice, the twins know how to make the engine go forward, change directions, and toot the horn. They have been really good about treating the train with the utmost care. Matt is already plotting what to add to his "set up," and it makes me wonder who was more excited about the train?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My Gym-"The Monkey Gym"
The last couple of months, we have been taking the twins to a place called, "My Gym." It's a great big indoor gym, where the kids can run around and climb, jump, play, and explore their bodies. Once a week, we have a "class," which has a structure, including, circle time, practice skills, new gymnastics, songs, and games. They change the equipment once a week to maintain interest. The first few weeks, the twins were very shy, and didn't participate without a lot of encouragement. After that, they readily participated, said their names out loud in front of the group, and sat for the puppets. It was interesting watching them grow and change over a few short weeks. Sophie isn't as adventurous as Jack, but as the weeks passed, she became more confident in herself. Jack can be wild, but he was able to keep himself under control the more we went to the gym. It was really good for the kids, as a start to interacting with other kids, and in a group setting. We have just joined a MOM's club, and are hoping for even more interaction in the future!
A blurry jump into the ball pit! Sophie wouldn't go into the ball pit unless their were no other kids inside! HA!
Jumping on the trampoline while Daddy throws a ball at him! I think it's a part of Matt's training plan! ;)
Sophie LOVES balance beams! She is really good at taking her time and staying on them. She also prefers to dance across the room instead of walk! Such a girl!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Birthday Sunday
The twin's real birthday was on Sunday this year, and since the party was on Saturday, we didn't want the actual day to feel anticlimactic. We planned a few low key activities to make the day special.
Matt made Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse pancakes in the morning for breakfast. (And a huge mess in the kitchen! ;) ) I made bacon and the little pink bows. The kids were tickled pink!
Matt made Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse pancakes in the morning for breakfast. (And a huge mess in the kitchen! ;) ) I made bacon and the little pink bows. The kids were tickled pink!
After breakfast, we went outside to play, and then went for a walk around our neighborhood.
Jack making a wish. It's funny when the kids blow these dandelions, because they have a hard time blowing the seeds, so they end up just ripping the seeds out with their hands!
Jack making a wish. It's funny when the kids blow these dandelions, because they have a hard time blowing the seeds, so they end up just ripping the seeds out with their hands!
Tree Hugger!
(This is Sophie's messy hair! She hates for me to put it up, because she is just like I was, and hates to have her hair brushed. I gave her a break this morning because it was her birthday!)
(This is Sophie's messy hair! She hates for me to put it up, because she is just like I was, and hates to have her hair brushed. I gave her a break this morning because it was her birthday!)
After nap, which the kids(and parents) needed after the prior day's festivities, we went to the park to play and take birthday pictures.
Then we went to McDonald's for dinner. The kids are in love with the play place at Chick-fil-a, but since it's not open on Sundays, we went to McDonald's. Too bad the kids don't really like fast food, and ended up eating very little!
Then we went to McDonald's for dinner. The kids are in love with the play place at Chick-fil-a, but since it's not open on Sundays, we went to McDonald's. Too bad the kids don't really like fast food, and ended up eating very little!
Back at home we had little cupcakes with candles in them. Matt and I sang "Happy Birthday" and other variations of the song, a few times, which Jack and Sophie loved. Then they made wishes and blew out their candles.
Party Time!
On Saturday, the day before the twin's birthday, we had a little party to celebrate. It was lots of fun, and there was lots of family and friends to help us celebrate with the twins. Unfortunately, the kids I invited to the party were all unable to make it for various reasons, so it ended up being an adult party. But the kids had fun anyway.
This year, instead of making myself crazy, and making cakes, I just bought two small cakes at Wegman's, and we put the candles on top of them. When Jack and Sophie saw them, they were just as thrilled as if I had made them.
This year, instead of making myself crazy, and making cakes, I just bought two small cakes at Wegman's, and we put the candles on top of them. When Jack and Sophie saw them, they were just as thrilled as if I had made them.
Matt bought some pumpkins and hay bales, and we set up the furniture outside so that there was more room for guests to mingle. The day ended up being gorgeous after all the rain clouds passed through on Thursday and Friday.
I also decorated with some of my favorite scrapbook pages, and set out an album for each of the kids. It was fun to look back through the pages and see how much the twins have changed in just a few short years!
This was in the entryway, and had little pages that guests could sign, and leave messages for the twins. The messages will slide in their birthday scrapbook.
I happened to find a scrapbook pages from the day they were born, and from their first and second birthdays, so I displayed them here. I hardly remember that day three years ago, and just how tiny they were. I love that I have these memories documented forever and ever! ;)
I happened to find a scrapbook pages from the day they were born, and from their first and second birthdays, so I displayed them here. I hardly remember that day three years ago, and just how tiny they were. I love that I have these memories documented forever and ever! ;)
Sophie spent much of the day spraying water on the windows and pretending to clean them. No one told her that she was actually making them streakier!
Jack spent a lot of time downstairs playing with the new Cars he had opened from Matt and I early that morning. Cousin Rachel was sweet enough to keep him company. I think Jack liked having visitors to our house, but I think he also needed quite time.
Cheesing for the camera and the "Happy Birthday" song. Both Jack and Sophie loved everyone singing to them.
After cake, we opened presents and craziness ensued! :) Halfway through opening presents, Jack picked up his boxes of Duplos and walked out of the room. He was ready to play! Thankfully I intercepted him in the kitchen, and guided him back to the party! The kids received some really cool toys, but most of all, we are very thankful that everyone was there to help us celebrate!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dear Jack @ Three Years Old
Dear Jack,
You make me smile everyday. You are such a goofy, little guy. The things you say just crack me up. Just this morning, I couldn't figure out what "Puck-nick" meant. When I finally figured out your were trying to say, "pumpkin," what could I do but laugh at you? You are also such a little sweetie. You seem to know when someone is upset, and you give them extra cuddles. If Sophie is sad, you want to give her kisses. Your smile is contagious, and it is impossible to stay mad or sad around you. You love to run around the gym at full force, and explore what your body can do, how far you can jump, how high you can climb. I think it's safe to say that you got most of your mommy and daddy's athletic abilities. You also love dirt. Playing in it, and occasionally eating it...YUCK! You are in your natural element when you are outside playing in the sunshine, running around, and digging. Now that I have talked you up, I can mention some of the other ways you spend your days, like putting matching holes in our drywall by throwing your motorcycle down the stairs. I guess you wanted to see how it would bounce? Or dumping an entire box of Duplos on your sister's head. Maybe you wanted to see her reaction? Or finding a piece of chalk, and leaving a nice, bright pink line all the way around every wall in our freshly painted house. I can't see any sane motivation to this one! It's good you have all of those redeeming qualities, or you might just drive us all crazy! :) Your favorite toys are your cars from the "Cars" movie. You have always loved wheels, so it was natural you would fall in love with Lightning McQueen and Mater. A close second would be your train tracks. You love when Daddy makes you a new set up on your train table. Your favorite food by far is bacon. You would eat bacon until it came out of your ears. You like it extra crispy, and won't eat it any other way. You get extremely excited when a dish has little bits of bacon in it. You love books, and could sit for quite a long time and look at books. Your favorites are "Where the Wild Things Are," and the Magic School Bus Series. You like to learn new things from the books you read, or by watching an adult. You are fascinated when Daddy or your grandpas use tools. You are also still a mommy's boy, and will tell anyone who asks. Although we have been going through a little period of separation anxiety with me, it seems as if we are almost through it. I don't mind that you are a mommy's boy because I love to cuddle up with my little Jackers on the couch. It's hard for me to believe that three years ago you fit on my chest, and now you stretch out across my whole body! If I was to sum you up with one word, it would be "boy." You are a true, blue boy, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I love you little boy, and all that you are! I am proud of you, and who you are! I can't believe how much has changed, and how much you have developed in the past three years! You are an amazing little boy, and I hope you always remember how special and loved you are! You light up our lives little man!
Lots and lots of love,
I love you little boy, and all that you are! I am proud of you, and who you are! I can't believe how much has changed, and how much you have developed in the past three years! You are an amazing little boy, and I hope you always remember how special and loved you are! You light up our lives little man!
Lots and lots of love,
Dear Sophie @ Three years old
Dear Sophie,
My beautiful little girl. You are such a joy! Lately you are so strong and independent. You don't want me to help you with anything. You like to do it all by yourself. You love learning to do new things like putting your shirt on, or your socks and shoes. You will sit there for a very long time trying to accomplish a new feat. You also have to pick out your own clothes most mornings. You are very opinionated about what you wear. Although you like to wear pretty clothes, you hate to have your hair brushed, and it is a fight to get you to sit still, and let me put your hair up. You love to tease people, and just the other day, you got mad at daddy, and so you came to sit in my lap. When daddy told you he wanted a kiss, you kissed me instead. When he said he wanted a hug you hugged me. You love to be chased and thrown around. You are a completely silly, giggly girl! You crack up over the silliest things! You also like to act silly and dance around to make other people laugh. You are shy when we are at the gym or around other kids. You test the waters, and stay close to mommy. That might change soon though, because last week I caught you jumping into the ball pit all on your own. You love to color, paint, draw, and use stickers. You take your time and try to color the page nicely. You like to draw things like circles. You are also very responsible with the markers, and will keep them at the table, and put the caps back on. You are such a little smarty-pants. You have known your colors since your last birthday, but now you also know your shapes, and can count to ten. You love learning new things. Your favorite food is any kind of fruit. You love all kinds, but especially like to have your own apple, and walk around the house eating it. You don't have a favorite toy, if you don't count lovey, but you like your dress-up stuff, your dolls, and anything girly. You like to walk around the house in your little dress-up shoes, but especially like to wear mommy's high heels and shoes. Your favorite colors are pink and purple, and if you see something pink, you say "pink matches to me." You love books. You love to cuddle and read them together. Your favorite books are "Wemberly Worried" and "Weekend with Wendell" by Kevin Henkes. You like Wemberly because she has a little bunny named Petal. Wemberly rubs Petal's ear when she is worried, just like you and Lovey. You are a daddy's girl, although you won't admit it when asked. He is the person you ask for when you are upset, probably because you like his big, strong arms. You often tell me that you are, "all growed up now." And I tell you to slow down! If I could use one word to describe you, it would be, "girl." You are a pink, pretty, princess of a girl!
I love you Miss, and all that you are! I am so proud of the little girl you have become! I hope you always remember how loved and special you are to us. You shine in our lives everyday, and make them brighter!
I love you lots and lots,
My beautiful little girl. You are such a joy! Lately you are so strong and independent. You don't want me to help you with anything. You like to do it all by yourself. You love learning to do new things like putting your shirt on, or your socks and shoes. You will sit there for a very long time trying to accomplish a new feat. You also have to pick out your own clothes most mornings. You are very opinionated about what you wear. Although you like to wear pretty clothes, you hate to have your hair brushed, and it is a fight to get you to sit still, and let me put your hair up. You love to tease people, and just the other day, you got mad at daddy, and so you came to sit in my lap. When daddy told you he wanted a kiss, you kissed me instead. When he said he wanted a hug you hugged me. You love to be chased and thrown around. You are a completely silly, giggly girl! You crack up over the silliest things! You also like to act silly and dance around to make other people laugh. You are shy when we are at the gym or around other kids. You test the waters, and stay close to mommy. That might change soon though, because last week I caught you jumping into the ball pit all on your own. You love to color, paint, draw, and use stickers. You take your time and try to color the page nicely. You like to draw things like circles. You are also very responsible with the markers, and will keep them at the table, and put the caps back on. You are such a little smarty-pants. You have known your colors since your last birthday, but now you also know your shapes, and can count to ten. You love learning new things. Your favorite food is any kind of fruit. You love all kinds, but especially like to have your own apple, and walk around the house eating it. You don't have a favorite toy, if you don't count lovey, but you like your dress-up stuff, your dolls, and anything girly. You like to walk around the house in your little dress-up shoes, but especially like to wear mommy's high heels and shoes. Your favorite colors are pink and purple, and if you see something pink, you say "pink matches to me." You love books. You love to cuddle and read them together. Your favorite books are "Wemberly Worried" and "Weekend with Wendell" by Kevin Henkes. You like Wemberly because she has a little bunny named Petal. Wemberly rubs Petal's ear when she is worried, just like you and Lovey. You are a daddy's girl, although you won't admit it when asked. He is the person you ask for when you are upset, probably because you like his big, strong arms. You often tell me that you are, "all growed up now." And I tell you to slow down! If I could use one word to describe you, it would be, "girl." You are a pink, pretty, princess of a girl!
I love you Miss, and all that you are! I am so proud of the little girl you have become! I hope you always remember how loved and special you are to us. You shine in our lives everyday, and make them brighter!
I love you lots and lots,
This Sunday Jack and Sophie turned three. Matt and I can't believe it has been three years already. Almost four since we first saw the little picture of our beans on the ultrasound. I can't remember a time without them. I love 'em to bits! So much has changed since three years ago when they entered our lives. I am still just as thankful that God blessed us with these little lives. That he answered our prayers.
At three Jack and Sophie have developed quite the little personalities! Together they crack us up, and drive us crazy from moment to moment! It's amazing how they are very similar to normal siblings in their fighting, but are much more like twins in how close they are when they do play together. At first glance you might say that Jack is the ring leader, but upon closer inspection you would see that Sophie is in charge sometimes too. Jack loves to wrestle, and would be happy if Sophie would be willing to do that all of the time. Sophie is warming up to the idea, but still cries if he is too rough. Jack also wants Sophie to join him in his little games all of the time. Often, Matt and I will look at each other and say, "What in the world are they playing?" When they do play together, they mostly play with Jack's cars, trains, or other boy toys. We bought Sophie some girl cars and trains for her birthday so that she could join in with girly things. The twins still sleep together in the same room, and we pretty much do things together all day long. When one of them wakes up before the other one, in the morning or at nap, they revel in that one on one time with us.
All in all, the last three years have been wonderful, challenging, delightful, maddening, stressful, exciting, and filled with tons and tons of love. Although our days are not perfect(OF COURSE!) I wouldn't change anything. I love you Jack and Sophie, and am thankful everyday that God chose me to be your mommy!
At three Jack and Sophie have developed quite the little personalities! Together they crack us up, and drive us crazy from moment to moment! It's amazing how they are very similar to normal siblings in their fighting, but are much more like twins in how close they are when they do play together. At first glance you might say that Jack is the ring leader, but upon closer inspection you would see that Sophie is in charge sometimes too. Jack loves to wrestle, and would be happy if Sophie would be willing to do that all of the time. Sophie is warming up to the idea, but still cries if he is too rough. Jack also wants Sophie to join him in his little games all of the time. Often, Matt and I will look at each other and say, "What in the world are they playing?" When they do play together, they mostly play with Jack's cars, trains, or other boy toys. We bought Sophie some girl cars and trains for her birthday so that she could join in with girly things. The twins still sleep together in the same room, and we pretty much do things together all day long. When one of them wakes up before the other one, in the morning or at nap, they revel in that one on one time with us.
All in all, the last three years have been wonderful, challenging, delightful, maddening, stressful, exciting, and filled with tons and tons of love. Although our days are not perfect(OF COURSE!) I wouldn't change anything. I love you Jack and Sophie, and am thankful everyday that God chose me to be your mommy!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Knoebles Park
For my birthday on September 13, we took the kids to Knoeble's Amusement Park. The grandparents, and Uncle Matt and Aunt Nikki, tagged along at my request. It's a good thing, because I was so exhausted by the end of the day, it was nice to have help! The park was just open from 12-8, so we got there, had lunch, met up with everyone, and rode on some rides. Sophie was hysterical on the first ride, "The Whip." I wish I had video of it! The Whip goes in a circle, but has two long sides. It goes slow along the sides, and then whips the cart around the curve. Sophie was not expecting it, and the look on her face was priceless. Jack on the other hand, loved it, and was all smiles! Sophie's favorite ride from the day was a pink car she could ride in. She called it "Chooki," which is a toy she has at home. Jack liked all the rides, but especially liked the rides that were a bit more advanced, and action filled. He's a daredevil! It was a good way to spend a birthday!
Bye Bye Diapers!
Or at least half of the diapers in our house!
About three weeks ago, I decided to potty train the kids, or at least give it a good try. Sophie, who is ever the one to try to please us, potty-trained in three quick days. She was really into it from the start, and was willing to sit as long as I told her to. We also told her she could pick out any toy she wanted from the store. Sophie has wanted a toy baby carriage forever, so we took her to the store and made her drool over it, I mean, showed it to her, and she was set. I also bought her princess underwear that was sparkly, and told her she could only wear it if she kept the princesses dry, because they didn't want to be wet. She is so independent lately, that I think she liked doing it all on her own. Whatever it was, it clicked. And she has been dry all day long since that first few days. Here is a picture of Sophie with her bribe, I mean reward.
And now to get to work on my spunky boy. Who is a bit of a handful at the best of times! :)
And now to get to work on my spunky boy. Who is a bit of a handful at the best of times! :)
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