Jack has been such a busy guy lately. He just never stops. It seems like he is doing something new everyday. He learned to pull up about three weeks ago, so now he is pulling up on everything he can find...play tables, coffee tables, walls, the jumperoo(when Sophie is jumping). He is such a little monkey! Two weeks ago, he learned to cruise. He likes to cruise on the sofa, and from toy to toy. He is so fearless, that when he falls he wants you to immediately put him back so that he can get back into action. This weekend he started saying "dada", and he tried to repeat me when I said "uh oh." He also started standing without support for about five seconds at a time. He then realizes that he is not supported by anything, and looks for something to grab onto, or drops down. Lord help me if he learns to walk soon. That means he might be able to get to things faster than me...eek! Also, on the 20th he got his first teeth! I didn't even suspect anything, because he wasn't at all cranky around the time they came in. I felt inside his mouth that morning, and was surprised to feel something sharp. Since then they have really come in, and he looks like such a cutie. He doesn't really know what to do with them, and is constantly sticking his tongue out, and sucking on it to try to feel them. He has such a big personality. He smiles for everyone, and is always acting wild. As much as Sophie is a Daddy's Girl, Jack is a Mommy's boy. He often crawls over to me, grabs my face, and plants a big baby kiss on my cheek. Too cute! Matt and I have really started to think of him as a toddler. So sad! Most of the "baby" about him is gone! I can't believe that happened already! I can't imagine how much he is going to change over the next month!

The picture is blurry, but the teeth are there on the bottom. (You try taking a picture of a baby that can crawl, and is constantly trying to grab the camera!)

Toddler Face.
What a crazy kid! Check out that silly face!
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