Sunday we left for the big Frainier Family Reunion at Lake George, New York. It took seven hours to get there, and the twins did really well in the car. Much to our surprise, they also did really well sleeping. How nice! Now we know we can take our kids places overnight, and it won't be a total disaster! The twins had lots of family members ooing and aaing over them, and they had a fun and exciting week. The car ride home wasn't as successful, and I had to try to drive while Matt slept, and two babies screamed in the back of the car. Not fun! Here are some pictures from the trip. Take a look at the first one, and click on it to make it bigger. I think it will put the "Who does Sophie look like" question to rest! As nice as it was to get away for the week, we were happy to be home sweet home. Jack ran around like a nut for the two hours before bedtime. I think he thought he would never see home again. What a goofball! Now when do I get a vacation?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Meelard Shuffle
Last Saturday, we took the kids to my old high school to watch thier Aunt and Grandpa run in a 5-K. If thier mom wasn't such a bum, she would have run too! Instead I sat in the sun and watched! And Matt chatted with Chad Hurley, the founder of Youtube, so we all had a great day!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Zebra Bouncer
At a yard sale this weekend I bought this big zebra bouncer. It plays music, bounces up and down, and spins around. Jack loves to stand next to it and "dance." He looks so silly!
Out with the Old, in with the New
Things are changing here! We have seen huge changes with the twins in the past month. Jack is now starting to stand for 10-15 seconds(yes, I count in my head!). He is getting so brave. He actually pushes himself off as if to say, "Look at me!" He loves walking behind the hippo, but there isn't much space in here for him to go very far. Also, he loves to be near Sophie. Anywhere she is, he wants to be. And he loves to make her laugh. Sophie is starting to get brave, and has started cruising. She just might skip crawling altogether, as she has discovered a new way to get around. She sits on the floor with one leg twisted out, and the other twisted in, and scoots around. It isn't pretty, but it gets her around. Also, both twins have started to prefer feeding themselves some table food. They love cheese, which seems to be a family trait, but who doesn't love cheese? They have also tried, watermelon, pears, cantalope, and pasta. It is getting hard to feed them babyfood, because they are starting to refuse it. I have to come up with some more foods to feed them so that they don't get bored. Here are some pictures of them eating thier "new foods."
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hippo Walking
Jack has just started taking some steps behind the hippo walker that we have. He is so proud of himself everytime he does it! Sophie is too much of a scaredy cat to try. She is content to hold off on walking right now.
Nine Month Well-Visit
Yesterday morning, I took the twins to thier nine-month check-up. It was with our favorite doctor, Dr. Miller. He is so good with the twins, and he answered all of my nervous-nelly questions. Both babies are doing very well according to the Dr. Jack weighed in at 18 lbs. 2 oz. and grew to 28 3/8 in. UH OH! Matt and I need to work on a new car seat for him as he has outgrown the infant seat. The good news is, he is still right on his growth curve. Although he looks huge, he is only in the 15% for wieght, and 50% for length. Sophie is now 14 lbs. 3 oz. and is 25 1/2 in. in length. She is such a tiny little thing. She fell of the growth curve, but Dr. Miller wasn't worried because he said some kids do that at this age. We have started three meals a day, so hopefully that will "boost her numbers" for the next appointment. Dr. Miller was also able to see my little monkey crawl and pull up all over the room. He was into everything! At least Dr. Miller knew I was telling the truth about all of his new developments! All in all it was a good appointment, and I was very happy there were no shots involved!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunt Laurie!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Catching up With the Twins
It has been a long time since I posted, and boy have things changed around here! For one, I am getting more sleep. The twins slept through the night together for the first time on the 22nd. It was pure bliss, although I did wake up at 4:30 wondering why no one had woken me. They don't do it every night, but they are doing it more and more. I thought I would inform you of some of the things the twins have been up to. I also use this blog as a "record" of what the twins are doing, so this will help me keep track of where they are at nine months. My babies are becoming less like babies everyday!
Jack @ 9 Months
Jack has been such a busy guy lately. He just never stops. It seems like he is doing something new everyday. He learned to pull up about three weeks ago, so now he is pulling up on everything he can tables, coffee tables, walls, the jumperoo(when Sophie is jumping). He is such a little monkey! Two weeks ago, he learned to cruise. He likes to cruise on the sofa, and from toy to toy. He is so fearless, that when he falls he wants you to immediately put him back so that he can get back into action. This weekend he started saying "dada", and he tried to repeat me when I said "uh oh." He also started standing without support for about five seconds at a time. He then realizes that he is not supported by anything, and looks for something to grab onto, or drops down. Lord help me if he learns to walk soon. That means he might be able to get to things faster than me...eek! Also, on the 20th he got his first teeth! I didn't even suspect anything, because he wasn't at all cranky around the time they came in. I felt inside his mouth that morning, and was surprised to feel something sharp. Since then they have really come in, and he looks like such a cutie. He doesn't really know what to do with them, and is constantly sticking his tongue out, and sucking on it to try to feel them. He has such a big personality. He smiles for everyone, and is always acting wild. As much as Sophie is a Daddy's Girl, Jack is a Mommy's boy. He often crawls over to me, grabs my face, and plants a big baby kiss on my cheek. Too cute! Matt and I have really started to think of him as a toddler. So sad! Most of the "baby" about him is gone! I can't believe that happened already! I can't imagine how much he is going to change over the next month!

The picture is blurry, but the teeth are there on the bottom. (You try taking a picture of a baby that can crawl, and is constantly trying to grab the camera!)

Toddler Face.
What a crazy kid! Check out that silly face!
Sophie @ 9 Months
Oh Sophie! She is too funny. What a big attitude for such a little thing! She knows exactly what she likes and doesn't like, and is not afraid to let you know! And she is like Matt in so many ways...what a little Daddy's Girl. She isn't crawling yet, and in fact if you put her on her belly she gets very angry. If you let her go for a little while though, she starts to move backwards. She does love to stand though, and tricks everyone into holding her up! She would stand at our play tables all day long if she could. So far she can say "dada", "nana", and "lala". We have heard "mama" from each of them at different times, but nothing consistent. Sophie spends most of her day fending off Jack. He loves her so much he has to be around her all day long! He also has to take everything she has. She has learned to grab onto everything very tightly. Sometimes he gets overly excited and crawls over top of her, or pushes her down when she is standing, so I guess she has the right to be a little scared of him. She slept through the night for the first time on the 20th. I was shocked! We don't see any teeth yet, but they look like they might be somewhere under the surface.
I wonder what she is thinking here? I don't think she is too happy with him...

Defending her toy from Jack.
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