This year for Father's Day, we joined Aunt Kim's family on their annual Father's Day camping trip. Matt went the year I was pregnant, but I wasn't up for hiking, or sleeping on the ground that year, so I missed out. We just went for one night, but the kids loved it. What's not to love about dirt, rocks, hiking, waterfalls, camp food, and sleeping in Grandma and Grandpa's trailer? We got there early on Saturday, and played for a little. After nap, we all went to Rickets Glen, for a hike by the waterfalls. The kids were troopers, and loved walking in the waterfalls. Jack loved, loved, loved Kim's sister Erin, and stayed by her side the whole walk. Sophie was happy to have Grandma and Grandpa carry her around. After the hike, we had dinner, s'mores, and then bedtime. Unfortunately there wasn't much sleeping going on. But after they got to bed, the adults played boccie ball with flashing balls(talk about a headache), and taboo. When we got up in the morning, we had a breakfast at the camp, and packed up to go home. It was a fun trip, and the kids are excited for more camping! When we got home, both kids fell asleep on Daddy, and we had a Chinese food dinner with Grammie and Grandpa. I'm pretty sure Matt had the best time of all of us.

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