Last weekend was the annual Anderson Family Reunion Camping Trip(say that three times fast). As usual, we had a blast! This year we stayed on Wellesley Island in the Thousand Islands in New York. It was beautiful all weekend except for the occasional rain storm. It also rained on Sunday night, and we woke up swimming in our tent, but the kids didn't mind. We arrived on Saturday, and set up our tent and beds. Jack and Sophie loved our outdoor home. We spent the next few hours cooking dinner while trying to dodge raindrops. Sunday morning we went to the lake beach. The water didn't open until eleven, so we played in the sand until then. Sophie was brave, and walked up to her armpits in the water. There were also little tiny fishies at the shoreline that the kids like to watch. Jack spent his time making a big sand castle, and puddle.

Back at the campsite the little kids all played in the rocks and dirt. They would put the dirt in the coffee cans and buckets, and then dump them into the holes in the board thingy(yes, that is the technical name I believe). I loved watching them all play together! Peter and Rachel also took the all four kids to the nearby playground.

On Sunday night, we let Jack and Sophie stay up past bedtime for the campfire. They enjoyed watching the flames, sitting with family, and playing with the glow sticks that Peter brought.

Monday morning, we went to the nature center to play, look at animals, animal skins, and play with puzzles. It was a good thing we went there, because we missed the rain while inside!

A family picture with all of the Andersons. We are missing the Yorks, as they were out in their boat!

On the way to the butterfly house. Jack and Sophie love their Daddy!

Sophie watching a butterfly sun himself in the butterfly house.

Just like every year, we had a blast! Jack and Sophie love being outside in the dirt and mud for days on end. They also love seeing all of their relatives, and running around like nuts. Can't wait for next year!
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