Last Friday Sophie got glasses! She has had a lazy eye problem for a couple months now, so we made an appointment with the eye doctor. It turns out that her vision is very poor, and she is extremely near-sighted. One eye is 400, and the other is 500. Sophie was using her good eye so much, that the muscles in her weak eye grew so weak that she wasn't really using them at all. That is what was causing the lazy eye. The eye doctor put drops in Sophie's eyes to dilate them, and apparently they sting a lot. I lost it at the doctor's office. Out of all of the things that Sophie and I have been through together, this was probably the mildest. But when the doctor put the drops in her eyes, I started crying immediately. Good thing Matt was there, because Sophie loved being held by her big, strong Daddy, and I was able to try to compose myself so she didn't get upset. We waited in the waiting room for her eyes to dilate, and the poor thing kept tripping and loosing her balance. The doctor said her glasses would be really thick, and all I could think of was kids' glasses that I had seen when I was little. Instead, we got to pick out really cute square frames, and the lenses were ground down, so that they aren't too thick, and her eyes aren't too magnified. I think she looks like a little cutie, but I am sure I would think that no matter what! She loves her glasses! Sophie also has to wear a pink patch that goes over her glasses, and that is the real point of contention. She hates that "pink mousey" patch! She only has to wear it for 2-3 hours a day, but she gets so mad! We are praying that her eye will heal quickly, and she won't have to wear it for much longer. She really does like to wear her glasses, but already in the first week, they have gotten bent. We just have to take them back and get them fixed, but really, how am I supposed to take care of these things for her? It's going to be a challenge! Here is a picture of Sophie in her new glasses, making her "cheese" face.