Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Happy Friday
Matt's best friend Mike got the twins Polo outfits last week when Matt and Mike were shopping together. Polo is Matt's favorite brand in case you didn't know. The twins looked too cute we decided to take pictures. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
7 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days
Here are some little tidbits about what The Twins are up to now:
- Sophie is saying "dada" all the time. The first time she said it very clear was on Mother's Day. She also discovered her tongue, and it is always hanging out of her mouth. Silly Girl!
- Jack is so close to crawling! He is an expert at twisting himself in circles and going backwards. He gets up on his knees and rocks, but he hasn't gone forward yet. We are in trouble when he gets there! Shouldn't we be baby proofing already?
- The Twins have had peas, green beans, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes, prunes, carrots, apples, bananas, yogurt, rice cereal, oatmeal, and Arrowroot Cookies. None of which they like two days in a row. Well, except the cookies(they take after mommy).
- They are sleeping much better now, and even though they are still getting up twice a night, they eat fast and go back to sleep. And they don't get up at 4:45 am anymore!
- They only nap for 45 mins at a time. They are driving me crazy with this one!
- Jack has pulled himself to standing several times since last week.
- They are the happiest babies! They giggle all the time! Matt can really get them going.
- Jack learned to roll from back to belly, and demonstrated this skill at 1:14 am Monday night. I was a proud, albiet unhappy, mommy.
- If I leave the room they will babble and talk to each other like crazy! But when I come back they act like they weren't doing anything. Do you think they are plotting things already?
I can't believe they are almost eight months old. I don't think time has really "flown by" until now. It used to creep by. Now we are busy everyday, and things are just flying! I'll leave you with a few pictures of the twins with thier beloved cookies. That is, they love them until they are done. Then they cry.

Happy Anniversary!
Happpy Anniversary to my wonderful, amazing, loving husband. Who knew that in four short years we would be here? I love you!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Standing Tall

All day long, Jack wants to stand. When you hold him up, he gets this huge smile on his face, and checks out everything around him. He especially loves looking down on Sophie. He smiles and coos at her all proud of himself. The ottoman is the perfect hieght for him stand by himself. Today, he surprised the pants off of me when we were playing. He pulled himself TO STANDING on a toy that him and Sophie were sharing. Once he got up, he lost his balance because the toy fell over. OK...didn't he just start sitting on his own like two months ago? I guess we need to get him some toys to stand next to. And definitely a gate. Is it me, or did they just start racing through milestones?
Bathtime Fun

Last night at the end of The Twins' bath, we sat them up to take some pictures of them in thier cute little bath robes. Daddy entertained them to get them to smile. Everyone was having a good time until Jack decided to rip Sophie's crown from off her head. In the process, he pulled off most of her robe. Sophie was not happy to say the least, and continued to cry until Daddy picked her up to comfort her. She really is Daddy's Little Girl. And Jack, I think we might have a baby bully on our hands.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy First Mother's Day
My first Mother's Day was lots of fun! My parents and grandmother came to visit in the morning, and we had a big brunch. I requested French Toast, and it was yum! Matt's family came over in the afternoon, and Rick and Matt cooked a big meal on the grill that Matt bought me as a present. Also Yum! Here are a few pictures of me and the twins.

Friday, May 2, 2008
Seven Month Update
To commemorate seven months with our little cuties we took them to a place called "Portrait Innovations" to get thier pictures taken(ok, when I figure out how to upload the pics I will!). I know, I can't believe I have survived seven months either! The past seven months have flown by, but everyday feels like a lifetime. The twins are really becoming more and more amazing everyday. They are such happy little babies. They are starting to recognize each other, and will share smiles and coos with each other when playing. They both love to watch each other in the jumparoo, and take toys from each other. Everything that Sophie touches, Jack must also touch. Everything goes in thier mouths. We are going to start them on two meals a day soon, and I am hoping that with a breakfast added they will take more interest in solid food. Jack pretty much spits it out and spreads it all over his face. Most days Sophie eats more than him. We are slowly getting the sleeping thing under control, but I think it has been harder on me than them. I would love to get them on a schedule, or at least have them sleep together during the day. If only they would take longer naps than forty-five minutes! My mom assures me this will come with time, but isn't seven months enough time? No teeth yet, and they are not crawling yet. I think I can wait a little longer for both of these things, because both things will create new challenges. Matt and I are both loving our twins and enjoying life as a little family.
Remember these hats? They were too big to fit on the twins' heads when they were born. Where did my little preemies go?

Jack and Sophie's Secret Language
The twins are too funny lately. They have "discovered" each other. They just check each other out and get huge smiles on their faces. Every once in a while they will "speak" to each other, and it goes something like this:
Sophie: PPPBBBTTTTT(blows raspberries)
Jack: PPBBTHH AIEEEEEEEEE (raspberries followed by screaming)
then Sophie takes Jack's toy and I hear: AHHHHHHH (i think that means give it back im not sharing)
They always greet each other by smiling, and blowing raspberries. I am really not sure why, but this is how they communicate with each other. I can't wait until they are two, and talking about me in thier own secret language!
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