The twins had their Four Month Well Baby Visit today. Everything looked great! Both babies are growing according to their own growth curve. They have both doubled their birth wieghts at this point, but yes, Sophie is still the size of a big newborn baby. The Dr. couldn't get over how happy Sophie was during the entire appointment. She was all smiles...until it was time for shots. Neither baby, as well as mommy, liked the shots. The Dr. reccommended that we start solids soon, and we are not in a rush, but the Anderson house is about to get a lot messier!
Well, here is my 2 cents. Do it but don't over due it. I started Zoey on solids around 4 months and instantly she liked them much better and became a fussy nurser. With Delaney I waited until 6 months to introduce any solids. It was a lot harder to get her to like solid food but she nursed happily until a few weeks ago. So, it depends on what is more important to you. Do you want to nurse until a year or do you want to start moving them along onto a normal eating schedule (meaning 3 meals a day, etc) sooner?
Of course every baby is different and the twins may like solids and continue to nurse well too. It's up to you and them. ~A
Thank you for sharing that with me. I had really wanted to wait until six months(which is still a little early because my guys are preemies) but felt pressured by the doctor. She said "Jack is a big guy, and needs to eat more." But I really do want to nurse until a year, so after thinking it over, taking all things into consideration, and reading what you said, I think I will wait a little bit. Besides, breastfeeding them is SO much easier than having to make cereal, and wash dishes!
For sure and anything you read or anyone who has any specialty in breastfeeding will tell you that breastmilk is ALL they need for their first year. Solid food up until then is just for learning purposes. It is a mess too! ~A
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