What's that? I didn't announce we were pregnant before? Surprise! :) I guess I should tell you it's a boy, and his name is...oh wait, I'm not sharing that! ;) We do have a name picked out though, and if you ask the twins they will spill the beans. They are terrible at surprises!
We found out we were pregnant in February, and my pregnancy matches the dates of my first pregnancy. We are due November 6th, and with the twins, it was November 3rd. The picture below is from our first ultrasound at nine weeks. We worried there were twins again, and then admitted to each other that we secretly wanted more twins, just in time to find out there was one little bean. As time has gone on, I am so thankful there is "only" one! It is just right!
We found out we were pregnant in February, and my pregnancy matches the dates of my first pregnancy. We are due November 6th, and with the twins, it was November 3rd. The picture below is from our first ultrasound at nine weeks. We worried there were twins again, and then admitted to each other that we secretly wanted more twins, just in time to find out there was one little bean. As time has gone on, I am so thankful there is "only" one! It is just right!
Here he is, from the side, all curled up on himself. The head is at the left, the heart in the middle, the spine on the right, and his legs are folded over his body. He was in a really complicated position for the poor ultrasound tech! I had to do jumping jacks to get him to move!
Everything looked good at our ultrasound, and his heartbeats have been good at every appointment. I passed my gestational diabetes test(YUCK!) and got my RH shot. We are just waiting, and trying to get everything prepared for his arrival. I've had several friends give birth to little boys this summer, and I have to say I am getting antsy to meet the little guy!
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