Last Wednesday, the 7th was the twin's first day of preschool. We had prepped them all summer for what school would be like, so they were quite excited when it was finally time to go. Jack was however anxious on the day of, so Matt "worked his magic" to help Jack feel more comfortable. Jack kept saying that his loveys would miss him, and that they told him he shouldn't go. Matt set up a little school for the loveys so that they could go to school also. Jack bought it, hook, line and sinker! ;) The first day was one of the craziest rainy days ever here, so Matt took the kids on the front porch, while he wore his rain coat, to snap some pictures. Sophie is wearing an outfit that her daddy bought her at J.Crew, which is his favorite place to shop. She was pretty excited it had a ballerina and sparkles on it. Also, it had to be a skirt or dress, because how else would people know she was a girl? (Come on Mom, pants aren't going to cut it!) Here is little miss independent herself, who is almost impossible to a picture of her face looking at the camera! I have to say, that to my complete surprise, Sophie was not apprehensive at all. She was just excited. She really is very independent, and takes everything in stride.

Jack nixed the first outfit we picked out for him, and apparently complained to his teachers so much about his top button that they had to undo it. He was most excited to play on the playground, which he didn't get a chance to do, because of all of the crazy rain!
Here is a quick picture I snapped of the kids in circle time. Their class is the Green Frogs, so they got to cuddle little frogs on their mats. That is one of their teachers Mrs. Cuomo in the background. She is so gentle and kind, I love her already! After this, we snuck out the back, and waited for them to finish. They stayed for just an hour the first day, and were excited to tell us all about it afterward. They played with a couple of toys, and sang songs. Sophie of course colored a picture of Dora with apples, because she can't pass up art ever! Jack kept saying that the "Goodbye Song" was "If Your Happy and You Know It," and it turns out he was right!

This picture is crazy, but it illustrates how hard it is to get a picture of them. Sophie always looks at Jack to see if he is looking at the camera, then when she sees he is, she looks at the camera, but by this time, he is looking away. And then it continues on and on. So these are the wacky shots we get...crazy kids! ;) Jack wanted a chocolate chip cookie, and Sophie wanted a cinnamon roll, but when we got to the table they split it.
Yesterday was their first long day of preschool, which is 9:00 to 11:30. They did really well at drop off, and although it was a little crazy with Sophie needing to use the restroom, no one cried. This time they got to play on the playground, and they loved it. They want to know why our playground doesn't have monkey bars! They also sang the "Green Speckled Frogs" Song, which I know, so I was able to sing with them at home. Lastly, they read "The Kissing Hand," and made hand print pictures. I have to admit, I was a little bored without them, but that is only going to last for the next couple of months! I think school is going to be really good for them. Especially when their little brother comes. They are so ready to learn, explore and be social. The next two years of preschool are going to teach them such great things.