We didn't get to visit a pumpkin patch as a family this year, so yesterday, we carved pumpkins. The kids were way excited to get started, even though I am not sure they knew what we were going to do. We helped Jack and Sophie draw faces on the pumpkins, but Jack didn't really want to help, so Matt ended up drawing his. Then we cut the top off of Jack's pumpkin, and told him to dig in. This was his reaction:

He was apprehensive at first, so Matt shoved his hand in the pumpkin. After he got his first feel, he pulled his hand out, giggling, and refused to stick it back in. He also wouldn't go anywhere near the goop that I pulled out. Next up was Sophie. This was her reaction to the pumpkin after we cut the top off:

Typical Sophie! She loves goopy, yucky stuff. Matt couldn't cut the top off fast enough! She cleaned every last seed out of her pumpkin, and then, helped me to pick the seeds out to roast. After all of the seeds were out, she ended up mashing, smashing, and kneading it! Too much fun!
Matt ended up doing the cutting, because who would seriously trust our kids with a knife? He cut the kids faces, and then he cut two of the papers that came with the pumpkin knife. From left to right, Sophie's(which you can tell Matt cut on the lines she drew for the eyes and nose, and I drew the mouth), Matt's mouse with a candycorn, Jack's, and my kitty.

Jack and Sophie were pretty excited when we took them outside and put candles in them. They were also excited to blow the candles out! It was lots of fun, and later we enjoyed the fruits of our labor, which was yummy toasted(and a little burnt! oops!) seeds.
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