We have filled the summer with memories:
- playing in the baby pool, and puting the kangaroo climber slide in it,
- having play dates with the Dowlings,
- visiting the Hershey Zoo, and Chocolate world,
- eating lots and lots of berries and watermelon,
- learning to talk, the kids are reapeating almost everything we say now(such a relief that they are finally talking!),
- playing together, and fighting some too,
- going to the park, and playing in the sandbox(Jack's favorite) and on the swings(Sophie's favorite),
- playing in the mud,
- running around in the rain(Jack loved it, but it took Sophie a little time to warm up to it)
- visiting with family,
- drawing with chalk on the basketball court,
- blowing bubbles in the backyard,
- visiting with the neighbor who lives behind us, Kathy,
- watching the birds, bunnies, squirrels, and groundhog that live in the backyard,
- going for lots of walks and jogs in the jogging stroller,
- offcially starting potty training (EEEKK!), now if i could get someone to sit on the potty...
- eating ice cream,
- staying up late, and waking up early...a wicked combination!,
- watching Cars, which is Jack's favorite,
- ransacking the house daily,
- visiting a few fairs,
- visiting Daddy at work for lunch,
- going shopping with mommy,
- laughing at butterflies,
- enjoying the warm sunshine,
- cracking up at our little ones,
- enjoying God's beautiful summer, and the blessing that our family is.
Now that summer is over, it's time for me to get back to blogging! I have missed coming on here and writing posts. It gives me and excuse to take pictures, and a reason to record everything. I love that we recorded their first year on here, or we wouldn't have any record of it, it was such a whirlwind. So, I will let you know when something new and exciting happens!
Amy, I recently discovered that there are websites out there that will allow you to organize and print out your journal into a sort of book format. I was so excited to see that because it will allow me to have a hard copy of it all. :)
I have never seen the websites, but Blurb Books lets you transfer your blog and pictures to their format, and then binds it in a book. My DH actually uses Excel, and copies each blog post, and then gets them printed at Staples. I have a book that looks exactly like the blog, with the background, and borders and everything. I am a bit stuck on keeping memories written down lately, so I love it!
That all sounds so fun! Hey, our best friends are the Dowlings too.
Thanks for visiting my blog, Amy! And, an extra-big thank you for suggesting your friend's chocolate shop. I Googled it, and just from their website... it looks wonderful! I will definitely add that to my must-do list for the next time we go to the Asheville area. :0) Have a great week!
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